NL: Wil je toegang tot alle opgeloste mysterie caches dan kan je Premium Member
worden door een eenmalige donatie te doen via het Premium Member artikel.

UK: If you want access to all solved mystery caches then you can become
Premium Member through a one-time donation via the Premium Member article.

D: Wenn Sie Zugriff auf alle gelösten Mystery-Caches haben möchten, können Sie
Premium-Mitglied werden durch eine einmalige Spende über den Premium Member Artikel.

Forumregels / Forum rules / Forum Regeln & Openen nieuwe topics / Starting new topics / Neue Themen erstellen.

  • 70 stemmen - gemiddelde waardering is 2.93
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output = "

Free Premium Geocaching

by Tommy Smith

if (dataarray.length > 3) {
output += " hack
Voor wie er mee wil spelen en er verstand van heeft:

Citaat:Ever wished you could find premium geocaches on a free account? When on a "Premium Members Only" page of , this script will give you coordinates in the form of longitude and latitude which can then be typed into your GPS. Have fun cache finding. Under certain scenarios, it can also display the last ten caching logs, so you can find out if the person before you DNF'd it if you aren't brave enough to try a DNF'd cache. Tongue Although, you still won't be able to log the cache online, only offline, so you won't gain any points for using this script. If you're just geocaching for fun and want to stay a free member, this script is perfect for you.

Citaat:// ==UserScript==
// @name Geocaching Free Premium
// @author Tommy Smith
// @description Find the coordinates of a Premium Geocache from . May only be temporary. Not intended for use with GC Little Helper.
// @version 2.5
// @include http*://*
// @include http*://**
// @include http*://*
// @include http*://**
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==

// Geocache info page
if ((window.location.pathname.indexOf("/geocache/") == -1 && window.location.pathname.indexOf("/seek/cache_details.aspx") == -1 && window.location.pathname.indexOf("/seek/cache_pmo.aspx") == -1) || !document.getElementsByClassName("PMBannerWrapper")[0]) {
} else {
if (!document.getElementsByClassName("SignedInProfileLink")[0]) {
document.getElementsByClassName("PMBannerWrapper")[0].innerHTML = "

Geocaching Free Premium

by Tommy Smith

Uh oh! You need to be logged in on a free account in order for this script to work.";
document.getElementById("ctl00_ContentBody_memberComparePanel").style.display = "none";
} else {
// we need to find out the guid for the Geocache here. There may be multiple ways of doing this but I only know of one.
// I'm going to exploit the "Log Find"'s vulnerability in this case. If that is fixed, then cross your fingers I find a different way!
console.log("Phase one initiated...");
var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
if ("wp=") != -1) {
iframe.src = "","wp=")-2)+"#fpfpfpfpfp";
} else {
iframe.src = ""+window.location.pathname.split("/")[window.location.pathname.split("/").length-1].substring(0, window.location.pathname.split("/")[window.location.pathname.split("/").length-1].indexOf("_"))+"#fpfpfpfpfp";
} = "fpfpfpfpfp1";
iframe.width = 0;
iframe.height = 1;
iframe.frameborder = 0;
iframe.scrolling = "no";
console.log("Phase one complete!");

// log find page
if (window.location.pathname.indexOf("/seek/log.aspx") != -1 && window.location.hash.indexOf("fpfpfpfpfp") != -1) {
if (!document.getElementById("ctl00_ContentBody_LogBookPanel1_WaypointLink")) {
console.log("Phase two failed. The guid finder has been patched by . This script is now outdated (either that or it just is not working, sorry)");
} else {
// assumes guid is constant length of 36
console.log("Phase two initiated...");
var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.src = ""+document.getElementById("ctl00_ContentBody_LogBookPanel1_WaypointLink").href.substring(document.getElementById("ctl00_ContentBody_LogBookPanel1_WaypointLink").href.length-36); = "fpfpfpfpfp2";
iframe.width = 0;
iframe.height = 1;
iframe.frameborder = 0;
iframe.scrolling = "no";
console.log("Phase two complete!");

// Send to GPS Page
if (window.location.pathname.indexOf("/seek/sendtogps.aspx") != -1 &&"fpfpfpfpfp") != -1) {
console.log("Phase three initiated...");
var dataarray = new Array("0", "0");
var output = "

Geocaching Free Premium

by Tommy Smith

  • Either the free premium script is still loading or an error has occured in phase three.
  • What's that you say? There is nothing loading??
  • This can\'t be good.
window.parent.parent.document.getElementsByClassName("PMBannerWrapper")[0].innerHTML = output;
// I hate typeof, but I guess it is my only option since Firefox is being stupid

if (typeof PN_GetGeocaches == "undefined") {

if (!document.getElementById("dataString")) {

if (!document.getElementById("falkDataString")) {

if (!document.getElementById("hiddenText")) {

console.log("user is using a Rand McNally device");
dataarray[0] = "
  • " + /(GC.+?)<\/name>/.exec(document.getElementById("forisDataString").value)[1] + "
  • ";
    dataarray[1] = "
  • " + /
  • ";
    dataarray[2] = "
  • Geocache Description:

    " + /hort_description.+?>([\s\S]*?)<\/groundspeakConfusedhort_description/.exec(document.getElementById("forisDataString").value)[1] + "
  • ";

    } else {
    console.log("user is using Magellan device");
    dataarray[0] = "
  • " + /(GC.+?)<\/name>/.exec(document.getElementById("hiddenText").value)[1] + "
  • ";
    dataarray[1] = "
  • " + /
  • ";
    dataarray[2] = "
  • Geocache Description:

    " + /hort_description.+?>([\s\S]*?)<\/groundspeakConfusedhort_description/.exec(document.getElementById("hiddenText").value)[1] + "
  • ";

    } else {
    console.log("user is using a Falk device");
    dataarray[0] = "
  • " + /(GC.+?)<\/name>/.exec(document.getElementById("falkDataString").value)[1] + "
  • ";
    dataarray[1] = "
  • " + /
  • ";
    dataarray[2] = "
  • Geocache Description:

    " + /hort_description.+?>([\s\S]*?)<\/groundspeakConfusedhort_description/.exec(document.getElementById("falkDataString").value)[1] + "
  • ";

    } else {
    console.log("user is using Garmin device");
    dataarray[0] = "
  • " + /(GC.+?)<\/name>/.exec(document.getElementById("dataString").value)[1] + "
  • ";
    dataarray[1] = "
  • " + /
  • ";
    dataarray[2] = "
  • Geocache Description:

    " + /hort_description.+?>([\s\S]*?)<\/groundspeakConfusedhort_description/.exec(document.getElementById("dataString").value)[1] + "
  • ";

    } else {
    console.log("user is using DeLorme Device");
    dataarray[0] = "
  • " + PN_GetGeocaches()[0].id + "
  • ";
    dataarray[1] = "
  • " + PN_GetGeocaches()[0].latitude + " " + PN_GetGeocaches()[0].longitude + "
  • ";
    dataarray[2] = "
  • Geocache Description:

    " + PN_GetGeocaches()[0].shortdesc + "
  • ";
    for(i=0;i dataarray[(i+3)] = "
    " + PN_GetGeocaches()[0].logs[i].type + "
    " + PN_GetGeocaches()[0].logs[i].date + "

    " + PN_GetGeocaches()[0].logs[i].notes + "

    for(i=3;i output += "" + dataarray[i] + "";
    output += "
    output += "

    Free Premium Geocaching notes


    window.parent.parent.document.getElementsByClassName("PMBannerWrapper")[0].innerHTML = output;
    window.parent.parent.document.getElementsByClassName("PMBannerWrapper")[0].style.borderStyle = "none";
    window.parent.parent.document.getElementById("ctl00_ContentBody_memberComparePanel").style.display = "none";
    window.parent.document.getElementById("fpfpfpfpfp2").style.display = "none";
    window.parent.parent.document.getElementById("fpfpfpfpfp1").style.display = "none";
    window.parent.parent.document.getElementById("fpfpfpfpfp1").src = "about:blank";
    console.log("Phase three complete!");


    NL: Waar moet een eerste bericht in een nieuwe discussie aan voldoen? / Na het plaatsen van de oplossing, mag het eindcoordinaat worden gegeven!
    UK: What requirements should the first post in a new topic meet? / Placing a final coordinate is allowed after the solution is placed first!
    D: Welche Kriterien muss eine erste Nachricht in einer neuen Diskussion erfüllen? Nach dem Platzieren der Lösung kann die endgültige Koordinate angegeben werden!

    NL: Opgeloste of gearchiveerde caches kan je melden met de Rapporteren button. / Een foto kan worden toegevoegd met de Add image to post knop.
    UK: You can report solved or archived caches with the Report button. / A photo can be added by using the Add image to post button.
    D: Sie können gelöste oder archivierte Caches mit der Schaltfläche Bericht melden. / Mit der Schaltfläche Bild zum Beitrag hinzufügen kann ein Foto hinzugefügt werden.

    HTML5 Icon

    .png   large.png (Grootte: 124.67 KB / Aantal keer gedownload: 238)
    To hide is the beginning, to solve is the challenge, to seek is the adventure.

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